To the Stressed, Anxious, Burned-Out Woman Doctor:

Are you tired of constantly running on a hamster wheel, seeing patient after patient with no time to catch your breath? Do you feel like your health and well-being are taking a back seat to your work responsibilities? Does the pressure to balance your personal and professional life leave you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected? Do you feel guilty for not being able to be there for your children or significant other?

As a woman physician, you face unique challenges that can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. The pressure to balance work and family life can be immense, leaving little time for self-care and personal pursuits. Finding the motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle can feel like an uphill battle, and years of physically and emotionally taxing work can leave you feeling spiritually drained. The healthcare industry is fast-paced and demanding, often requiring doctors to work long hours, deal with high levels of stress, and make quick decisions that can impact a patient’s life. These demands can take a toll on your well-being, leaving you feeling physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted.

As a busy doctor, finding time for exercise, healthy eating, and other self-care practices can be challenging. The job requires you to be constantly on the go, with little time to pause and take care of yourself. Meals are often rushed or skipped altogether, and exercise may seem like a luxury that you can’t afford. In addition, the emotional toll of caring for patients can be overwhelming, leaving little energy or motivation for activities outside of work.

As a busy doctor, it can be all too easy to put your own health and well-being on the back burner. You may feel that your job is too demanding to allow time for exercise or healthy eating, or that taking care of your mental health is a luxury that you can’t afford. But the truth is, neglecting your physical, mental, and spiritual health can have serious consequences.

Physical health is one of the most obvious areas where neglect can lead to problems. Without proper self-care, you may experience fatigue, weight gain, and an increased risk of chronic illness. Long hours at work, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, can take a toll on your body, leaving you feeling run down and depleted.

Mental health concerns are another issue that can arise from neglecting your self-care needs. The constant pressure and stress of the job can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The need to be “on” all the time can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to cope, which can further exacerbate these issues.

Spiritual health is also an important aspect of overall well-being. Burnout can lead to spiritual depletion, leaving you feeling disconnected from your passion and purpose. The constant demands of the job can leave little time for activities that nourish the soul, such as meditation or time spent in nature. Without this kind of self-care, you may find that your work begins to feel empty and unfulfilling.

In addition to the physical, mental, and spiritual toll that neglecting self-care can take, you may also struggle with feeling isolated and unsupported. The medical field can be highly competitive and male-dominated, making it difficult for women to find a supportive community of colleagues and mentors. Back-stabbing, gossiping, and the formation of little cliques can leave you feeling isolated and wondering who you can trust. It’s a toxic environment that can make it difficult to form meaningful connections with your colleagues and can leave you feeling burned out and disenchanted with your work. You can feel as though you are navigating the challenges of the job alone, with little or no support from your peers.

The lack of a supportive community can further exacerbate issues like burnout and stress, leaving you feeling even more overwhelmed and disconnected. Without a space to share your experiences and seek guidance from others who have been in similar situations, you may struggle to find a sense of purpose and passion in your work.

“It’s no wonder why we are experiencing burnout in record numbers – the AMA estimates that 40% of women physicians will reduce their hours or leave medicine entirely within our first 6 years of practice.”

If you are a woman doctor who is feeling isolated or unsupported, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Many of us have been facing the same challenges, sending us searching for a supportive community of sisters to lean on. We are searching for a way to regain our sense of purpose and passion for medicine while also finding a better balance in our lives.



I’ve been there and understand exactly where you’re coming from. I’m Dr. Catherine Divingian, also known as “Dr. D”.

 I too found myself caught up in the relentless grind of treadmill medicine, seduced by the promise that just around the corner was the breakthrough that would finally make me feel respected, honored, and truly living as the healer I had always dreamed of becoming. I thought that somewhere along the way, that I would be able to enjoy my life, doing what I thought I would love.

But what nobody told me when I started medical school at the age of 46 was that the system was broken.

My residency was toxic, filled with long hours, impossible demands, and an environment that left little room for compassion or care. Even life as an attending was brutal and painful, with endless bureaucracy, stress, and pressure to do more with less. It was a harsh reality to face, one that left me feeling disillusioned and overwhelmed. But I knew that I couldn’t keep going on like this. I had to find a way to break free from the endless cycle of burnout and stress and reclaim my sense of purpose and passion as a healer. The only thing that made the difference is that I learned to reclaim my life, little by little. I kept working out and eating a nutritious diet; honoring the value of sleep and downtime. I forged boundaries and stepped forward to reclaim my life. I developed a spiritual practice to connect my source of power to my Creator.

My journey to becoming a physician was fraught with challenges, and it started long before I ever set foot in medical school. After completing my education, I began a promising career in the Navy. I had high hopes for my future as a military officer and was eager to serve my country. But things didn’t go as planned. I encountered unexpected obstacles and roadblocks that derailed my career as the injuries from training started to stack up. The hope and promise of being a military officer was shattered.

After my discharge from the Navy, I faced a daunting challenge. My injuries were severe, leaving me broken and forced to rely on a wheelchair to get around. But I refused to let my injuries define me or hold me back. With an unyielding determination, I set out on a journey of rehabilitation.

At first, progress was slow, and it seemed like I would never fully recover. But I refused to give up. I started with simple exercises, gradually working my way up to more challenging routines. I was determined to regain my strength and independence.

As time passed, my hard work and dedication began to pay off. I moved from a wheelchair to a cane and, eventually, was able to take my first halting steps without any assistance. It was a moment of triumph, and I knew that I was on the right path.

But I didn’t stop there. I continued to push myself, striving for new goals and milestones. And eventually, I discovered bodybuilding. It was a sport that challenged me physically and mentally, and I was hooked.

I poured all of my energy and focus into bodybuilding, training for hours each day and carefully monitoring my diet and nutrition. It was a grueling process, but I was determined to succeed.

And succeed, I did. After years of hard work and dedication, I emerged victorious as a nationally ranked bodybuilder and fitness model at 42 years of age. It was an incredible achievement, and one that I am immensely proud of. More than that, though, it was a testament to the power of determination and willpower.

From then on, I determined that health was a critical missing piece of the puzzle for all women doctors; and I’ve been preaching the importance of physical strength leading to the same in mind. Little did I know that when I went to medical school, that those intentions would be tested to the max. Yet despite the challenges; the grueling hours and soul-numbing hazing, through medical school, residency, and beyond, I never missed a workout. Not a single one. My colleagues marveled at my unflagging energy levels and mental resilience. I had found the secret that I could use and that would someday be used to help other women.

Today, I use the lessons I learned during my journey to inspire and motivate others. I know that anything is possible if you’re willing to put in the work and never give up. My story can serve as a reminder that no matter how daunting a challenge may seem, you have the power to overcome it. This is me at age 54, a practicing physician and stronger than ever:



Are you ready to take charge of your life and career, and forge a path that aligns with your values and brings you fulfillment and joy? As women physicians, we face unique challenges that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and drained. But we are also powerful and resilient, capable of transforming our lives from the inside out.

That’s why I created the Athena Tough Bootcamp – the program designed specifically for women physicians to Reclaim Your Inner Badass, Revitalize Your Career & Life, and Rise to Your Genius.

In the Athena Tough Bootcamp, we help badass women physicians find their way forward through a powerful, life-changing experience that will equip you with the skills you need to operate at a higher level and achieve the fulfillment and balance you’ve been craving. We will achieve this through 3 days designed to achieve the breakthroughs you need:

Objective 1:

Ignite Your Passion and Purpose in Career and Life

It’s time to set your life ablaze with passion and purpose. We’ll dive into workshops, sessions, and group activities that empower you to harness your full potential in both your career and personal life.

Objective 2:

Forge an Unbreakable Stress Armor

Let’s equip you with the ultimate stress-busting arsenal. Our immersive workshops and interactive sessions will teach you kickass stress management techniques and coping strategies to forge unbreakable resilience.

Objective 3:

Unleash Your Inner Warrior

Time to unleash the fierce, unstoppable warrior within. Through electrifying workshops and fiery group discussions, we’ll conquer self-doubt and annihilate imposter syndrome as you prepare to celebrate your graduation



We are different from any other women’s physician program out there. Instead of retreating from life, we’ll show you how to face it head-on to achieve all you’ve dreamt about with the High-5: Fitness, Faith, Family, Finances, and Fulfillment.


Because we know the strength that drives you toward achieving the impossible is the very weakness that has the potential to destroy you in every realm – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You need to become armor-plated by developing balance as the Warrior Woman you know you were born to be.

Unfortunately, most experts out there don’t understand how to help you because they simply don’t understand you. They want you to talk for hours about why your childhood sucked, pop happy pills, or sit in the lotus position for time you just don’t have. They want you to slow down and nurture your inner child. They suggest a retreat that takes you away from your stress for a few days, only to have the same challenges face you when you get back home.  You might have tried all these techniques and more, only to find that nothing has changed.  

So, why doesn’t their advice work? Because their advice is suited for the average woman. But you are NOT average. Excellence is in your DNA. You ENJOY living on the edge and CRUSHING it. 

Yet you’re still dealing with very real stressors that need to be addressed, stressors that have been plaguing you for FAR Too Long.

It’s time for a RADICALLY new approach. One that leverages your strengths while providing a powerful defense. One that restores your vitality, strengthens your mind, and makes you Stress Immune. Athena Tough.

If you’re ready to Reclaim Your Inner Badass, Revitalize Your Career & Life, and Rise to Your Genius with the Athena Tough Bootcamp, I invite you to watch the video above and book a strategy call with me or a member of my team. It’s your invitation to break free from stress, overwhelm, and burnout. To tap into your unique strengths and passions and to create a life that feels purposeful, powerful, and badass. To help you create the freedom, lifestyle, and optimal health you deserve. This experience is guaranteed to change your life.

Don’t settle for a life that doesn’t align with your values and passions. Take action today and learn more about how Athena Tough can help you shatter limitations, become a victor, and protect all that you’ve built. Click the button below. When you do, you will be taken to a page to a calendar link to get on our schedule. You will answer 5 questions and fill out a screening application to determine if you are a good fit for Athena Tough. If you are, we will meet for a powerful strategy call that will provide you with insights about the challenges and obstacles you are facing as a woman doctor. You will walk away from the conversation with new insights to make your next move. So click that button to get started NOW.

With respect,

Dr. D

Your Search is over


The Athena Tough Bootcamp is a transformative self-paced online experience designed specifically for women doctors who are ready to break free from burnout, stress, and overwhelm. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or have been practicing for years, if you’re seeking something deeper and more meaningful, this is the event for you.

Our bootcamp is all about helping you turn your career into a source of power and purpose. We believe that every woman doctor has the potential to achieve greatness, and we’re committed to providing the tools, support, and guidance needed to make that happen.

At Athena Tough, you’ll collaborate like-minded peers and expert mentors who will help you tap into your inner strength and resilience. And because we’re dedicated to creating an intimate and personalized experience, we require every registrant to have a conversation with one of our coaches before enrollment.

If you’re decisive, action-oriented, and ready to take your career to the next level, we invite you to join us at Athena Tough. This is your opportunity to rediscover your sense of purpose, reignite your passion for medicine, and forge meaningful connections with others who are on the same journey.

The Athena Tough Bootcamp is a flexible online experience that you can start at any time in the comfort of your own home, in your office, or wherever your travels take you. You will receive weekly mentoring with live Q&A calls and the support of our unique 5-Minute Consults during the weekdays to provide the extra boost you need, when you need it.

This is a women-only experience and enrollment is not open to men.

At this time, the experience is only open to physicians, whether trained in the U.S. or internationally.

Certainly. We believe that everyone is capable of achieving the highest level of success and living a Have-It-All Lifestyle on our quest to becoming Athena Tough. At our events, we welcome women who are open-minded, coachable, and eager to collaborate with others.

By bringing together a community of brilliant women, we create an environment that fosters learning, growth, and personal development. Through collaboration and shared experiences, you’ll gain insights and perspectives that can help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

At our events, we celebrate the power of community and the limitless potential of every woman who joins us. If you’re ready to embrace the Have-It-All Lifestyle and surround yourself with inspiring and supportive women, we invite you to join us.

Yes. Part of having it all is developing the physical strength that builds  mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience. While there are physical activities in every Athena Tough Bootcamp, we provide modifications for every level. All we ask is that you participate in every activity to strengthen our ties, When you participate in our activities, you’ll be amazed at the strength and resilience you possess. By pushing yourself beyond your perceived limits, you’ll shatter any limiting beliefs you may have about yourself and others in our profession.

At Athena Tough Bootcamp, we’re dedicated to Forging the World’s Most Powerful Women Doctors in every aspect of life. Through our challenging and transformative activities, you’ll develop physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength, and emerge as a stronger, more confident version of yourself.

We believe that every woman doctor has the power to achieve greatness, and our goal is to help you unlock your full potential. Whether you’re looking to increase your physical fitness, enhance your mental resilience, or deepen your spiritual practice, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

So if you’re ready to shatter your limitations and become one of the world’s most powerful women, we invite you to join us at Athena Tough Bootcamp.

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